And another wonderful holiday with family -- something for which I'm eternally grateful. I know there are families that drift apart and even those that just don't like to be together. With that in mind, I'm continually grateful that my family (immediate and extended) live reasonably close together and enjoy being together. I was blessed with two wonderful daughters-in-law that invite us to be part of their events and 'doings' so we get to spend a lot of time with our grown boys and with our grandchildren. Really couldn't be better!

This Thanksgiving, we were invited to come down to Milwaukee to spend the day with Steve's family. Scott's family was off to the Caribbean on a cruise ship and, unlike other years, Steve and Stacy had not gone to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving week. It was such a great day. Steve's dad and sister Julia were there, along with a couple of Stacy's friends: Ken Keffer and Heather (a friend from Stacy's office). Football was on TV (of course) and the kids played video games while the dinner was being prepared. Then we had an awesome feast of turkey, stuffing, two kinds of potatoes, fresh rolls, cranberry sauce, salads, and pies. Heather brought fresh-baked cookies for the kids to decorate after dinner and we played some board games. Ken broke out his guitar and played music -- while the football continued to play on TV.

A few weeks ago, Steve bought the stuff to brew his own beer and had started the process. After cleaning up the kitchen, he brought out a big jug of the brew and we got an assembly line going to bottle it up. Smelled pretty good. Now we have a few weeks to wait while it finishes doing whatever it needs to do once it's bottled. Only one broken bottle mishap but no one was hurt.

The team consisted of Steve (sanitizing the bottles), me (doing bottle transfer), Stacy (taking the bottles from me, filling them, and giving them back), and Ken (taking the filled bottles and capping them). We decided it might become a new family tradition.

Thanksgiving was really early this year so Anna's birthday ended up being the day before Thanksgiving. She had had a complete room makeover just a few weeks before so Grandpa and Grandma got her some sheets and a jewelry box and a nice owl nightlight to go with her new room. Also included was a big owl picture to hang on the wall. We didn't hang it up right away because it needed to be opened and centered on the wall. However, Anna got a little tired of waiting for someone to come help her hang up her picture so she decided to take matters into her own hands! Good thing she had her trusty steed to help her.