"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere beyond the morning." - J.B. Priestly

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

...and my garden is started!

I've been doing lots of reading, and getting into the spirit for the coming year -- so it was time to get started. On the 22nd, I put in some orders:
*shade perennial grab bag (for up north)
*3 reblooming German Iris
*3 Sunshine Gaillardia
*3 Red Freedom Hedge roses
*1 white feather hosta
*1 sorbet peony plant
*3 butterfly plants

All of those from Springhill Nursery to be delivered in the spring.

From Gurney, a dwarf Meyer lemon, a Black Magic elephant ears plant, 3 mixed foxglove, and a Top Hat blueberry plant.

15 assorted plants pre-ordered from the Master Gardener Association that I'll be able to pick up May 5.

And, I planted seeds for the past couple of days:
*32 marigolds
*18 sunflowers
*8 poppies
*8 hollyhocks
*8 snapdragons
*8 pumpkin-on-a-stick
*8 pony tail grass
*24 lupine
*12 zinnia

and I have quite a lot of seed that will be used for direct seeding as well.

Additionally, I started seeds for edibles:
*3 peppers
*1 Big Boy tomato
*2 cherry tomatoes
*2 yellow pear cherry tomatoes
*2 heirloom tomatoes
*2 ground cherries

That's a grand total of 142 seedlings if they all sprout, plus the 15 plants I ordered through MGA, the 6 plants from Gurney, and the 14+ plants ordered through Springhill Nursery. I think I'm going to be quite busy this spring!

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