What an interesting winter we...didn't have! Very little snow and only a few days of deep cold during the entire winter. I was in Florida a couple of weeks ago to visit Mom (we went down together in mid-January and she stayed down there), and the weather was averaging high-60s here when I left! It has gotten a bit colder lately (40s), but everything is turning green and the flowers are coming up a full six weeks earlier than last year.
I've begun the process of cleaning out the flower beds and the front has been re-mulched. I'm a little nervous about uncovering everything too much in case we get one more big snow storm. On the other hand, it's hard not to want to get everything going and, it's important to get the new mulch down before the weeds start!

My unemployment has continued all this time since leaving HNI -- that's about 1 1/2 years now! I've gotten word that it may be discontinued the second week in April though and, if that's the case, I may also stop working at Kohl's. Like the unemployment, it has also continued all this time even though I'm averaging maybe one or two nights per week (a bit more during the Holidays). I don't want more hours than that -- I really only want the job so I can continue to collect the unemployment without having to do the search for employment each week. [As I re-read that sentence it makes me wince a bit; sounds like I'm quite the parasite. Not unlike mistletoe -- see photographs above that I took in Florida. I love the look of mistletoe growing up in the trees. It was my Dad who pointed it out to me the first time I was visiting with them during one of their trips to Florida.] Anyway, if the unemployment comes to an end, I may stop the job at Kohl's. I do ok with the work out on the floor, but I really struggle when I have to work the unloading of the truck. Heaving boxes all night is more than my poor back can take any more! I also hate to lose whole days to sleep when I could be out in my gardens!
Ian and Alex will be out of school next week for the Spring break and I'm hoping they can come over for some of the time on Tuesday and Wednesday. Not sure what we'll do, but just being here and playing is always a good time. Then, we're headed to Milwaukee on Thursday for Grandparent's Day with Jack and Anna at their school. Jeff will leave me in Milwaukee because I'm flying to Florida on Friday with Steve and his family for a little time at Disney, and then I'll be going to Lakeland to help Mom close up the house she has been renting and we'll drive back to Wisconsin together. All-in-all, a pretty busy non-winter!
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