I did some repurposing in my garden this year with varying degrees of success.
In the back corner of my yard (opposite this lovely fence) is an area that is shaded and has a full view of the entire garden. For this corner, then, I wanted to arrange an area where I could sit and enjoy a book in the afternoon. While arranging chairs and a table was easy enough, I also wanted to add some whimsy and saved a couple of things that I was about to take to the curb.
The first was an old wicker blanket chest that had lost a lot of the wicker from the top, but was still structurally sound with a metal frame and an ornamental front. Really, too pretty to go to the dump! The second item was a floor lamp that was sitting in my basement. The lamp needed to have the base removed and the pole slid right into the ground! The idea was to plant something with trailing stems and white flowers that would stand out in the shady area.
I put a plastic garbage bag into the chest first, and then a cardboard box to hold the soil. Filled it with good potting soil (took more than I expected!), and added some shade-loving ferns, impatiens, and a sweet-potato vine, plus alyssum and petunias. The lamp was planted with bacopa and euphorbia.
Turns out that the lamp (still a good idea, I think) was a bit shallow and maybe I need to drill a drainage hole. The plants never really progressed and had to be replaced at least once. I may just keep it and try again next year.
The chest, on the other hand, was awesome! For a time, a colony of ants made it's home in with the plants but I eventually had to move them out as they were taking up all of the space. With that good soil, though, the plants really thrived even with the drought that we had all summer. I realize that the chest will eventually rot away completely but, until it does, this is going to just add beauty and whimsy to my favorite corner of the garden.

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