"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere beyond the morning." - J.B. Priestly

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tax Time

So, every year I put off doing our taxes.  I use TurboTax online (which is the best program ever!!!) so it's really easy.  They ask me questions, I give them the answers, and the forms get filled in and filed electronically.  Still, I always put it off.  This year, because of being completely retired and collecting my pension, I was a little concerned about how all of the numbers would shake out.  Should have remembered, though, that the pension funds are non-taxable income (yeah!).

Sat down to go through all of the paperwork tonight and, with very little problem (some complication over foreign taxes paid to Canada on some investments), I found that I should have done these weeks ago!  What a huge return we're getting from the IRS -- and we could have had it invested and working for us already!

Thank you, Scott Walker, excellent Governor of Wisconsin, for now making HSAs tax deductible.  Our burden to the great state of Wisconsin was cut in half this year as a result.

Our hot tub bit the dust this winter after many, many really good years.  The kids loved it but, as a general rule, it didn't get used too often so I won't be sorry to see it go.  Now I'll get my sun room back and I'm going to fill it with plants this Spring.  I already have my eye on some nice wicker furniture to put in there using a part of this nice tax return.  Kind of have my eye on something along the lines of this grouping.  This particular set is at Sam's Club, and I'll need some kind of rug not unlike the one in the picture.  Actually, they could just pick up the whole thing and bring it right to my house and I'd be thrilled to death.  Bring some of my plants into the room, which they'll love due to the sun that pours into that room all summer, and all I'll need is a book and a cold beverage!

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