We had a lovely and long summer vacation up north the first week of July. Stacy's writing buddy, Ken Keffer, came up for several days and there were lots of discussions of nature-related things, plus some kayaking. The kids caught a lot of fish and did a lot of swimming. Jeff put the slide off the side of the dock this year and it has gotten a lot of use!
Alex played T-Ball again this summer and he was so amazingly improved in confidence and in ability. As a result, of course, he loved it. I was able to get to Milwaukee to see Jack play a couple of times as well.
In early July, Dean & Carol were up from Florida for several weeks and we all gathered in Rice Lake for a weekend to work at getting Mom's house ready for sale. The amount of work done that weekend was amazing! New carpeting went down, the windows were all washed and cabinets cleaned, boxes and boxes of stuff was hauled away along with excess furniture, new landscaping was put in the front with lava rock and timbers, the deck and front retaining wall were all painted -- and all during 90+ degree weather. I went back a couple of weeks later, then, to finish getting the rooms organized and ready and it went up for sale in early August. Now we're all keeping our fingers crossed that it's priced appropriately and will get some interest.

During the latter part of August, Mom, Susie and I went to Seattle and onto a Carnival cruise ship to Alaska where we celebrated Mom's birthday on the day we set said (See http://castleswavesandvolcanoes.blogspot.com/ for complete details), after which Jack & Anna came back to Appleton to stay with us for a couple of days prior to Labor Day. The Labor Day weekend was up north, of course, and the weather could not have been more beautiful. Draft day was Sunday with everyone in attendance and some good food and fun. Jack & Anna didn't bring bathing suits but managed to be in the water anyway!
Everyone hates to see the end of summer. I'm hoping now for some cooler days and nights before we actually head into Fall. The trees are already changing up north so I imagine it won't be long here. We have lots of things planned though for the next few weeks so I think we'll be really busy right through the end of the year. With that in mind, then, I need to stay on top of these blogs!
I still get confused sometimes on which blog is for which. But I like seeing the updates. You should migrate them altogether!